Saturday, April 28, 2007

Chapter 9

At the beginning of Chapter 9 on page 123 of our text, this line really stood out to me..."I define conflict not as divergence of interests but as a perceived divergence of interests."

I stopped reading and kind of thought about how that could apply to some conflicts that I have going on in my life right now. I think that the biggest instigator of conflict is a break of communication. One person may be saying one thing, while the intended recipient is hearing another. You could be trying to have a friendly conversation, but the perceived tone of voice could lead a person to believe that the conversation is hostile or demeaning.

So this is what the quote meant to me...

Most of the time conflict results from misunderstandings. One person thinks that the other person wants to go right while he wants to go left; even if the two people are planning on going the same way. AND if the two people are planning on going the same way, they are unable to effectively communicate what route they are planning on taking to get there.

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